Application: Presentation Proposal
The submission period is now closed.
Presenter Requirements, Terms, and Conditions:
Please read the following terms and conditions that apply to presenting at ICPH’s Beyond Housing 2020 Conference. All submitters must accept these terms in order for proposals to be considered.
- Onsite presentations should correspond with original session descriptions.
- Proposals submitted for review are not guaranteed acceptance.
- If accepted, I understand that: (1) All language submitted in the presentation, including learning objectives, presenter bios, and session descriptions will be used for marketing purposes. ICPH retains the right to edit the text for printed and online programs. (2) The proposal may be combined with another presentation(s) of a similar topic for a shared presentation, where appropriate (and after discussion with all parties).
- All requested information must be provided in order for proposals to be validated.
- If accepted, your presentation must be submitted to before your designated session time.
- All presenters must register for the conference. If there is a group that is presenting, one person must be listed as the lead presenter. The lead presenter of each approved proposal will receive a complimentary conference registration. All co-presenters will be offered a conference registration at at the discounted co-presenter rate of $75.00.