Student Homelessness Trends Over Time

Number of Homeless Students

Homeless Students in New York City Public Schools,
by Housing Status and Year
SY 2010–11 to 2016–17

  • Between SY 2010–11 and SY 2016–17, the number of homeless students enrolled in New York City public schools increased 56%, to over 105,000 students in SY 2016–17. This increase outpaced changes in total enrollment, with the number of housed students declining by 5% over the same period.
  • The growth in student homelessness is primarily due to an increase in the number of students staying in temporary doubled-up conditions. In SY 2010–11, these students made up less than half (44%) of all homeless students. By SY 2016–17, doubled-up students comprised 61% of the homeless population.

Chronic Absenteeism Trends

Percent of Students Chronically Absent, by Housing Status and Year
SY 2010–11 to 2016–17

  • Among both homeless and housed students, chronic absenteeism rates declined since SY 2010–11. However, the decline among homeless students was due to an increase in the share of doubled-up students, who had significantly lower chronic absenteeism rates compared to students in shelter.
  • Despite the percentage decrease, the number of homeless students who were chronically absent increased. Over 10,000 more homeless students were chronically absent in SY 2016–17 than in SY 2010–11. At the same time, the number of chronically absent housed students declined by more than 47,000.

Mid-Year Transfer Trends

Percent of Students Who Transferred Mid-Year, by Housing Status and Year
SY 2010–11 to 2016–17

  • Since SY 2010–11, mid-year transfers decreased among all groups. Despite the overall decline, homeless students continue to change schools at 3 times the rate of their housed classmates (21% vs. 7%).
  • Although transfer rates among homeless students decreased, the number who transferred increased, from about 19,500 students in SY 2010–11 to roughly 22,000 in SY 2016–17. Over the same period, the number of housed students transferring declined from about 104,300 to 68,900.

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