In New York City, one out of every eight public school students has been homeless at some point in the past five years. One in four (26%) of these students is in high school. In this report, we begin to explore differences in risk behaviors and health outcomes between homeless high school students and their housed classmates. …
Tag: unstable housing
Fall 2016/Winter 2017, Vol. 7.3
Welcome to the new online edition of UNCENSORED, Fall 2016/Winter 2017, featuring recommendations from service providers for what the new presidential administration should consider in the growing crisis of family homelessness.…
Aftershocks: The Lasting Impact of Homelessness on Student Achievement
Educators have long known the negative effect that housing instability can have on a child’s education, but this policy brief suggests that these effects do not end when a student is stably housed. This brief looks at the educational outcomes of homeless and formerly homeless students during the 2013–14 school year and the implications these outcomes have for education policy in New York City.…
Hitting the Target: A Case Study of Rapid Rehousing in Philadelphia
This brief presents a case study of Philadelphia’s experience with rapidly rehousing its homeless population between 2010 and 2012. It highlights the role of data collection and analysis in effectively using rapid-rehousing programs as part of a larger, comprehensive homeless-services effort.…
A Theory of Poverty Destabilization: Why Low-Income Families Become Homeless in New York City
Need for shelter in community districts in the South Bronx and central Brooklyn dominate the list of the highest-contributing areas, while comparatively few families in shelter come from Manhattan.…
Spring 2012, Vol. 3.1
This issue’s cover story delves into local programs and national trends to provide better access to and awareness of healthy foods and food preparation—from rooftop gardens to mobile produce deliveries and junior chefs. The issue also looks at the push for financial literacy among low-income families, how homeless, formerly homeless, and foster-care youth are choosing to speak up for change, and more.…
Vol. 2.3, Fall 2011
This issue of UNCENSORED spotlights homeless LGBT youth, the not-so-uncommon phenomenon of “couch surfing,” and housing assistance for survivors of domestic violence. …