Children of all ages who live in homeless shelters have trouble getting to school. This means that half of students living in shelter are chronically absent, missing 20 or more school days in one year. That’s almost four times the rate of housed students who were not low income. What is the cause of this…
Audiences: Media
The Rapid Growth of Homeless Students in New York City: Instability in Every School District
With the launch of the 2017 On the Map: The Atlas of Student Homelessness in New York City, we see that student homelessness is rapidly growing in New York City public schools.…
FAQ About Family Homelessness
ICPH provides answers to the most frequently asked questions about family homelessness.…
Calling for Proposals
ICPH invites service providers, practitioners, policy makers, homeless and formerly homeless individuals, advocates, and researchers to submit presentation proposals for the Beyond Housing 2018 Conference to be held January 10-12, 2018.…
Launch Event: The Dynamics of Family Homelessness in New York City
Join us for a breakfast conversation with leaders in the field and the launch of our latest publication, On the Map: The Dynamics of Family Homelessness in New York City.…
Homeless Student Health Webinar
Join ICPH principal policy analyst Jennifer Erb-Downward as she walks you through the unique needs and risks these students face, revealed in the new report, More Than a Place to Sleep: Understanding the Health and Well-Being of Homeless High School Students.…
Conference Registration Now Open
Join fellow practitioners, policy makers, and service providers to share new and effective programs, solutions, and policies aimed at reducing poverty and homelessness among children and families in the US.…
First Focus: Bill Reintroduction is a Victory for 1.2 Million Homeless Kids
A new report from the Institute for Children, Poverty and Homelessness found that 1 in 3 high school students in New York City that has attempted suicide is homeless and over 40 percent of homeless teens struggle with depression, a rate 12 percentage points higher than their housed peers.…
Huffington Post: Homeless Teens Are 3 Times More Likely To Attempt Suicide, Be Hurt By Partners
“More Than a Place to Sleep,” examined the effects of homelessness on teenagers―and found that homeless high schoolers are more likely than their housed peers to attempt suicide, experience intimate partner violence and suffer from preventable but serious health issues.…
KERA News: Study Ties Student Homelessness To Poor Health, Academic Performance
Texas ranks third in the country for the highest number of homeless students in public schools, and research suggests these kids fall behind academically because they’re prone to more health problems. The study from ICPH ties homelessness and health to school performance.…
POLITICO New York: New York City’s homeless high schoolers face daunting health risks
NYC’s homeless high school students face a daunting array of health risks, including asthma attacks, unplanned pregnancies and self-harm, according to a study to be released Monday by ICPH.…
Washington Times: A healer for housing
“Mr. Castro pointed to a massive HUD report that nobody has time to read. Someone did read it—the Institute for Children, Poverty and Homelessness—which concluded, ‘Definitive answers were nowhere to be found’ regarding Rapid Rehousing’s results.”…