See the data notes.…
Audiences: Government
Identifying a Crisis: How Montana Transformed its Approach to Rural Student Homelessness
Across America, the number of students experiencing homelessness in rural communities is rising at an unprecedented pace. Montana saw a staggering 145% increase between school years 2013–14 and 2016–17—more than 48 times the 3% national growth rate and second only to Nebraska’s 200% increase. But what accounts for this rapid ‘growth’? Indisputably, the increase of…
Student Homelessness in New York City
Student Homelessness Trends Over Time
Number of Homeless Students Homeless Students in New York City Public Schools, by Housing Status and YearSY 2010–11 to 2016–17 Between SY 2010–11 and SY 2016–17, the number of homeless students enrolled in New York City public schools increased 56%, to over 105,000 students in SY 2016–17. This increase outpaced changes in total enrollment, with…
Rural Homeless Students Not Receiving Their Fair Share of Federal Funding
Student Homelessness in Rural America
Student Homelessness Growing Fastest in Rural America Across the country, the number of public school students being identified as homeless continues to rise. The vast majority of these students, 88%, live in cities, suburbs, and towns. In recent years, however, the highest rate of growth for student homelessness has been in rural America. Between the…
Save the Date: Beyond Housing 2020
Beyond Housing 2020: A National Conversation on Child Homelessness and Poverty January 15–17, 2020 Crowne Plaza Times Square Manhattan New York City Join fellow practitioners, policymakers, and service providers to share new and effective programs, solutions, and policies aimed at reducing poverty and homelessness among children and families in the US. Attend strategy and solution-based interactive…
Bridging the Graduation Gap: Why School Stability is Key for Homeless High School Students
December 2018 Homeless high school students who are not chronically absent and who do not transfer schools during the year graduate at rates similar to their housed peers. Overview High school graduation is key to breaking the cycle of homelessness and ensuring access to opportunity for all students. While four-year graduation rates in New York…
Your Perspectives on Child and Family Homelessness
What We Heard From Survey Responses During Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week By Katie Linek Puello During Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week, ICPH asked for your perspectives on child and family homelessness. We heard from those who work in education, homeless services, government, advocacy, research, faith and community organizations, and concerned citizens about the needs…
Are Homeless High Schoolers Safe At School?
Facing Student Homelessness
On Friday, November 16, 2018, as a part of Huger and Homelessness Awareness Week, ICPH asked the question, “What does homelessness mean to the students who experience it?” Friday’s commentary gave voice to the reality faced by the 1.3 million students experiencing homelessness across the country and the people who work with them every day…
Food Insecurity & NYC’s Homeless Children
On Thursday, November 15, 2018, as a part of Huger and Homelessness Awareness Week, ICPH answered the question, “How does food insecurity impact children experiencing homelessness in my neighborhood?” Thursday’s interactive map detailed food insecurity and student homelessness, with a particular focus on free lunch eligibility and the use of food stamps across every New York…