On March 6, 2018 at SXSW EDU in Austin, TX, step into the hidden world of student homelessness at “The Invisible Million: Homeless Students in the U.S.”…
Audiences: General Public
Changing the Conversation about Homeless Students
For years, we at the Institute for Children, Poverty, and Homelessness have focused a spotlight on student homelessness in major cities, with annual reports on New York City and now, for the first time, Seattle. …
GIS Day: Discovering Family Homelessness Through GIS
To mark GIS Day 2017, Senior GIS Analyst Kristen MacFarlane examines the many ways ICPH uses Geographic Information Systems in our work.…
Family Homelessness Exists in Your Community
Seattle has long been on the forefront when it comes to supporting homeless students and working to end family homelessness, but family homelessness is so pervasive that every school, neighborhood, community, and individual in Seattle must accept that someone in their world is experiencing housing instability.…
Shining a Light on Student Homelessness at SXSW EDU 2018
We are thrilled to announce our acceptance to SXSW EDU 2018! The Invisible Million is what we named our session; our hope is that with access to such a wide audience we can help homeless students across the nation finally be seen by communities, educators, advocates, elected officials, and more.…
What Now? Homeless Students in the Aftermath of Harvey
The water in Houston may be receding, but the damage has been done. Before a single drop of rain fell in the state of Texas, more than 110,000 children in at least 25,000 families were homeless. Now those numbers have swelled into the hundreds of thousands.…
Why Do Homeless Students Miss School?
Children of all ages who live in homeless shelters have trouble getting to school. This means that half of students living in shelter are chronically absent, missing 20 or more school days in one year. That’s almost four times the rate of housed students who were not low income. What is the cause of this…
The Rapid Growth of Homeless Students in New York City: Instability in Every School District
With the launch of the 2017 On the Map: The Atlas of Student Homelessness in New York City, we see that student homelessness is rapidly growing in New York City public schools.…
Proficiency Rates Among Homeless Students
During elementary school, the typical student who was homeless had half the proficiency on their 5th-grade math and English Language Arts assessments. …
School Suspensions and Grade Retention Among Homeless Students
During elementary school, the typical student who was homeless had twice the risk of being suspended or held back a grade.…
Chronic Absenteeism Among Homeless Students
During elementary school, the typical student who was homeless missed 88 days of school—almost half of a school year.…
Homeless Student School Transfers
During elementary school, the typical student who was homeless transferred schools mid-year two times.…