New York City faces a persistent conundrum: How can the city help homeless families out of shelters and into secure, stable housing—and prevent their return to the shelter system?…
Audiences: General Public
Families in NYC Shelter
As of October 14, 2014 there were almost 12,000 families, including over 24,000 children, living in a family shelter in New York City every night.…
Huffington Post: When It Comes to Homeless Students, Should the Sky Be the Limit?
The recent data released by the U.S. Department of Education on the increase in the number of homeless students in the United States are sad, but not surprising. Family homelessness has been climbing steadily for decades. …
1.3 million school children are homeless
1.3 million school children are homeless. Why?…
Fall 2014, Vol. 5.3
With the latest statistics showing that there are now nearly 1.3 million homeless students in the United States, focusing on education is more important than ever. In our Fall 2014 issue, we are excited to have education, for both children and adults, serve as the single unifying theme.…
Emergency Food Assistance
83% of cities surveyed reported that requests for emergency food assistance increased over the past year.…
Huffington Post: Two Cities, Two Students: One Future?
New York City has many tales to tell. One is familiar—Mayor de Blasio’s “Tale of Two Cities”—but the other is not: the Tale of Two Students, the housed and the homeless.…
Summer 2014, Vol. 5.2
ICPH is dedicated to alleviating family poverty and homelessness through a multi-pronged approach, involving employment, education, and housing. We are excited about this issue of UNCENSORED, which includes articles with compelling ideas on all three fronts.…
Homeless Students Are…
Homeless students are 8 to 9 times more likely to repeat grades.…
States With the Most Homeless Students
There are 1.1 million homeless students in U.S. public schools. This does not include infants and toddlers.…
Spring 2014, Vol. 5.1
In “Bringing Child Homelessness into Focus,” the internationally renowned photographer Craig Blankenhorn shares his work documenting homeless families across the country. “A Sweet Mission,” features the Yonkers-based Greyston Foundation, with its open-hiring policy for the Greyston Bakery and its programs to employ, train, support, and encourage struggling adults who are trying to provide for their children. These stories are just two components of our Spring issue, whose many perspectives on a growing problem offer a wealth of information, insights, and challenges.…
Be Informed Issue 7
Education is key to breaking the cycle of poverty and moving up the economic ladder, but 49% of all sheltered parents don’t have a high school diploma compared to 20% of all New Yorkers.…