Suspensions are given to millions of students each year, taking them out of school and negatively impacting their behavior and achievement. For students experiencing homelessness, removal from the classroom can have severe consequences.…
Audiences: Educators
Addressing the Opportunity Gap: Student Homelessness in Seattle Public Schools
The instability of homelessness can have lasting effects on a child’s academic performance. In Seattle Public Schools, housed students performed better than their homeless peers across races and subjects.…
GIS Day: Discovering Family Homelessness Through GIS
To mark GIS Day 2017, Senior GIS Analyst Kristen MacFarlane examines the many ways ICPH uses Geographic Information Systems in our work.…
Family Homelessness Exists in Your Community
Seattle has long been on the forefront when it comes to supporting homeless students and working to end family homelessness, but family homelessness is so pervasive that every school, neighborhood, community, and individual in Seattle must accept that someone in their world is experiencing housing instability.…
The Seattle Atlas of Student Homelessness
While Seattle is known for its tech titans, cycling enthusiasts, and progressive values, it is also home to over 3,600 homeless students. Ninety-seven percent of all public schools in Seattle serve at least one homeless student; 71% serve more than 10. In this publication, ICPH, through a partnership with Seattle Public Schools, illustrates just how pervasive and far-reaching the issue of student homelessness is across the city.…
Join Us at NAEHCY: Explore the Importance of Data and Partnerships
This weekend, ICPH is headed to Chicago for the 29th Annual National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY) Conference. There, we will join others from across the country who work to support the educational equity of children and youth experiencing homelessness.…
Join us at NAEHCY
ICPH will present four sessions at the NAEHCY Conference, looking at how we can use data to support homeless students.…
Webinar: The California Interactive Map
Join our Principal Policy Analyst, Josef Kannegaard and Senior GIS Analyst, Kristen MacFarlane on 10/19 as they walk through the California Interactive Map, looking at where homeless students attend school.…
Student Homelessness: The Ever-growing Epidemic
With the release of the annual student homelessness snapshot data from New York State, we learned that in school year 2016–17 more than 111,500 New York City students lived in temporary housing, a 6% jump from the prior year and a 60% increase since 2010–11. …
Student Homelessness in New York City School Districts
Delve into data about the homeless student population in NYC’s school districts.…
What Makes the Difference Between Dropout and Graduation for Homeless Students?
Students living in homeless shelters face more academic challenges than their classmates who live in stable housing. What makes the difference between dropout and graduation for these teens living in unstable housing settings? Can community and school supports lower dropout rates?…
What Now? Homeless Students in the Aftermath of Harvey
The water in Houston may be receding, but the damage has been done. Before a single drop of rain fell in the state of Texas, more than 110,000 children in at least 25,000 families were homeless. Now those numbers have swelled into the hundreds of thousands.…