Overview The 105,000 students in New York City Public Schools presently experiencing homelessness face many challenges—including housing and family instability, stress, depression, hunger, asthma, and lack of sleep—that can negatively impact their education. They also face additional barriers to learning that often place them at a disadvantage compared to their housed classmates. For these students,…
Audiences: Advocates
7 Things You Need to Know About NYC’s Homeless Students
As 1.1 million New York City students head back to school next week, it is important to remember that 1 in 10 students experience homelessness every year, and as a result face unique educational challenges. Since 2010, over 220,000 students experienced housing instability while enrolled in New York City public schools. In fact, the number…
Webinar: Student Homelessness in Rural America
Housed Without Stability: The Continuing Challenges Faced by Formerly Homeless Students
Homelessness disrupted the education of approximately 105,000 New York City public school students in the 2016–17 school year. Unfortunately, for many of these students, the effects of this instability will last long after they have moved to permanent housing. School instability factors such as chronic absenteeism and mid-year transfers—prevalent among currently homeless students—remain high after…
Mental Health Challenges Facing NYC’s Homeless High School Students
After years of steady decline, suicide rates among high school students are on the rise, with suicide now ranking as the second-highest cause of death among adolescents aged 15–19. Adolescence is a transitional stage of life and the day-to-day challenges faced during this time can be overwhelming for many, placing them at heightened risk of…
Identifying a Crisis: How Montana Transformed its Approach to Rural Student Homelessness
Across America, the number of students experiencing homelessness in rural communities is rising at an unprecedented pace. Montana saw a staggering 145% increase between school years 2013–14 and 2016–17—more than 48 times the 3% national growth rate and second only to Nebraska’s 200% increase. But what accounts for this rapid ‘growth’? Indisputably, the increase of…
Student Homelessness in New York City
Student Homelessness Trends Over Time
Number of Homeless Students Homeless Students in New York City Public Schools, by Housing Status and YearSY 2010–11 to 2016–17 Between SY 2010–11 and SY 2016–17, the number of homeless students enrolled in New York City public schools increased 56%, to over 105,000 students in SY 2016–17. This increase outpaced changes in total enrollment, with…
Family Promise Mission Possible Conference
Data As a Tool to Understand Student Homelessness in Your Community In order to better support homeless students, it is necessary to understand the larger trends affecting your community. This session introduced participants to the value of data by walking them through The United States of Homelessness, an interactive resource that allows users to explore…
Homelessness is a Health & Well-Being Issue
See the data notes.…